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Earlier this month, Gov. Bill Lee signed into law HB48/SB87, the so-called "Council Bill," cutting the size of Nashville’s Metro Council in half, from 40 to 20 members. This unnecessary and misguided bill has caused chaos and uncertainty in our election cycle and undermined our city’s political process.

Metro Legal has filed a lawsuit against the state but such litigation is unpredictable and we are unlikely to have any further clarity for several weeks or longer. The prospect of a significantly smaller council raises the stakes of the August election – every council seat becomes that much more important and necessary to ensure the council remains reflective of our city's priorities and values.

Regardless of the results of this litigation, I will remain in this race to continue our neighborhoods’ fight for a more responsive and answerable Metro government, better schools, a fairer housing system, and walkable neighborhoods.

We must have your support to continue this fight. Please volunteer or make a money contribution to our campaign (even $25 helps a lot) so we can represent you and create a brighter future for Nashville.

Rollin Horton

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Paid for by Friends of Rollin Horton
Mac Watson, Treasurer
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